Read This Before You Buy a Home This Summer

January 10, 2023

Minimizing Risk

Let’s face it: ‘investing’ in anything is simply a more formal, standardized, and relatively stable form of ‘gambling.’ There’s a degree of risk whenever something is put on the line, whether it’s time or money.

Therefore, the trick in making any investment is to be able to minimize the degree of your risk – it can never be entirely eliminated – before you make a firm decision or put anything down. Being prepared and bringing knowledge to bear on the decision-making process is vital.

One of the most stable investments into which a person can couch his capital is, obviously, real estate. We at Tidal Loans in Houston, Texas, want to partner with you in making that investment a reality and want to help you reduce your risk before making that final decision. We’re a team of hard money lenders who wish to more than anything to make your loan process as transparent as possible so that you can get on with purchasing that dream home or another property to flip it down the road.

Summertime, Summertime

It’s the most beautiful time of the year. Everything is in full bloom, the weather is consistently nice, and temperatures are warm. While we can all enjoy the summer months, summer is also the time of year when home buyers are most active in looking for a new house or property.
The reasons for this vary, but the basic drivers are the ideal weather for being out and about, fewer interruptions with regard to kids, and homes quite simply looking their best with flowers out in abundance and nice, green grass.

With increased demand comes greater competition and possibly higher prices, which unfortunately means that you’re quite possibly going to have to fight for the chance to pay more. It’s just the reality. However, we can help you make the best possible decisions on quality property and make a solid offer. As we’ve said, if you’re going to sink money into something, you want value in return. We at Tidal Loans can help.

Knowledge is Power

Before you start the process of trying to purchase a home during the summer months, please read the advice that we’re happy to offer.

  • Be Prepared: Nothing minimizes risk more effectively than having your proverbial ducks lined up and ready to go. Before you even look at a single property, take care of the things you can control: your loan application, creditworthiness, your priorities, and your budget (know what you’re comfortable offering and how high you’re willing to go).
  • Anticipate Stress: Be sure to enter the process, know that there will more than likely be quite a few high-pressure situations happening simultaneously. If you’re looking for a new home, there’s the chance that you’re also selling, so you’ll have to handle those details as well. Further, the elevated competition will no doubt come bidding wars, which will possibly drive up a property’s price even more and may result in you having to make informed decisions on the spot.
  • Seller’s Market: In the current real estate environment, it’s a seller’s market, to begin with, and it’s doubly true during the summer. With the possibility of many offers on a single property, negotiations with the owner will likely not take long. Be prepared with a quick list of your home priorities to produce a solid offer more quickly.
  • Thorough Home Inspection: During the summer months, it’s easy to miss some of the warning signs in a property that isn’t quite up-to-standard. Remember, the seller wants to maximize his investment, but a buyer wants to minimize his risk. A complete home inspection will address potential moisture problems, issues with walls and/or ceilings, landscaping around the outside, etc. If you’re going to make a solid offer, you want a solid property in return.

Tidal Loans
If you’re considering venturing into the summer home-buying process, we at Tidal Loans would appreciate the opportunity to partner and be with you every step of the way. We provide
Texas investment property loans in a fast, simple, transparent fashion. Call us today at (832) 757-1262, or you can shoot us an email at Help with your new home is only a contact away!

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